iVote aims to support democracy by inspiring young people to vote 

About iVote

As an independent, impartial, voluntary, not-for-profit initiative (established in April 2023), iVote has patrons with an interest in encouraging the youth vote drawn from across the political spectrum:

  • Alan Whitehead: Former Labour MP for Southampton Test 
  • Matt Hancock: Former Conservative Health Secretary and former MP for West Suffolk
  • Wera Hobhouse: Liberal Democrat MP for Bath 
  • Jonathon Porritt: Sustainability and Climate Campaigner and former Chair of the UK Government’s Sustainable Development Commission

Philip Douglas is Director of iVote.

Registering young people to vote is part of enabling a diverse and inclusive electorate, which in turn supports effective democratic decision-making.

The participation of young people in the electoral process also has a key role to play in terms of encouraging political parties to sustain credible action on issues that young people are interested in, such as climate change. For example, recent research by Dr Emma Lawrence (Mental Health Innovations Fellow, Imperial College London) highlights that a majority of young people are distressed about climate change and that this remained the case even during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.1

If you watched the short iVote video on the home page, you may also be interested in this slightly longer version here.